profil Otomotif company in italia country
Italia popular with his elegant class and super fast sport otomotif in the world, of course with cost
not every body can buy it, so must have more money as artist high class,
bisnisman and athlete world class too.But not halfway for production cars this company pizza country,
usually become rich icon trend someone because that may be cars production from
italia always unlimited quantity production is not more.If you severe avid racing sport, you watch in television as moto
gp, formula 1 race, so yo never late to watch super fast italian production and
here we mention some otomotif company of italian:
FiatFor the first is otomotif company FIAT, this factory car is the
biggest in italia exist since 1899 and manufacturing luxurious cars world
class, first market target in europe and america be sides in italia, process
car productin also focus in some sub company range from to spread in samba
country brazil, argentina and polandia.Be sides cars production specially sell to consumen, this
factory serious participate too in race tournament world class as moto gp and
FerrariWho not know with this cart iron factory, company with this
prance house icon, stay in maranello italia. Ferrari exist in year 1929 by Enzo
ferrari moreover for memory of his merit ferrari manufactore cars comercial
version super fast, name that car enzo ferrari but not all people can have this
car because must first to order,
remember high cost ferrari cars. Before including in the
comercial world, before that his just focus for racing cars development
moreover that, become to master of world racing arena, in a row march of time,
in the last time ferrari publish comercial version with his design sporty and
Alfa RomeoAlfa romeo his comercial company, this company different with
ferrari factory, this company just only focus for production cars luxury comercial from begin exist in
year 1910, this company already producted in thousands even millions luxurious
cars with alfa romeo cost very rich and
only can property rich man, sample it, looked that popular player football
david beckham, his collect too one of brand alfa romeo cars. This company now merge with FIAT, his head office in
torino, italia. Marketing focus this car only europe and america.
![profil Otomotif company in italia country profil Otomotif company in italia country](
LamborghiniThis company manufacturing italia car exist since 1963, this
company popular too producted cars high class with sporty desaign and familiar
have super fast because just this company exist for compete with other italian
company because maybe already become trend if italian otomotif factory have
prima quality and rich cost. Experience Lamborghini wax and wance in the marketing
until end ownership this company making a move to Audi, so as audi can holding
sell traffic sport commercial cars in the world.
MaseratiMareti is cars manufactur at most spread in italia country
because this cars just have marketing target in local market, this otomotive
company is merge proyek or cooperation with ferrari and main office in bologna
city italia and his exist at year 1914.
![profil Otomotif company in italia country profil Otomotif company in italia country]( | |
DucatiWho not know this company, yes this factory not production cars
but focus in motorcycle production. For commercial ducati producted motorcycle
with super engine and big capacity competing with his competator harley
davidson and BMW, motor comment from that manufacturer and in indonesia country
familiar with MOGE or motor gede. Multiple Brand published ducati range it
monster, superbike, sport touring, sport classic and multistrada.
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profil Otomotif company in italia country"
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